Private 1 v 1 Sports Instruction is valuable for many reasons:
Many students feel more comfortable training in a non group setting working with one of our expert trainers. 1 v 1 Training also creates confidence, allows for more detailed and individual instruction and analysis, along with helpful feedback for continued improvement. Finally, private instruction allows more flexibility in scheduling, catering to the student and family.
All information about our trainers, sports offered, when, where and pricing is listed below. Of course, feel free to text, e-mail or call with any specific questions that are not answered below. 757-726-7357
Click Here to Book
Baseball / Softball: Pitching
Baseball / Softball: Fielding
Baseball / Softball: Hitting
Baseball / Softball: Catching
Mens Lacrosse & Goalie Training
Womens Lacrosse & Goalie Training
Speed, Agility & Conditioning Training
Field Hockey
Football: Quarterbacks
Football: Wide Receiver / Defensive Backs
Football: Runningback / Linebacker
Football: Offensive / Defensive Line
Adult Fitness
Youth - Body Fitness & Conditioning (no weights)
We do have some parameters for our Private 1 v 1 training but many of the details are set up to create comfort and accessibility for your student & family.
All of our Private 1 v 1 training sessions are 60 minutes. We feel this is the optimal time to get quality instruction in, while not overworking or overwhelming the trainer or student.
Training can be scheduled on ANY DAY, at ANY TIME. We have access to over 50 trainers who work with Norfolk Indoor Sports. Later or down the line, if you decide you want to work exclusively with one specific trainer, we will communicate their specific schedule.
Training can occur at Norfolk Indoor Sports OR at your most convenient location. We will always defer to using Norfolk Indoor Sports facility or our nearby open access playing field Ghent Elementary, which is 1 block from Norfolk Indoor.
Most of our Private 1 v 1 Training students and families set up 1 or 2 sessions per week, a month at a time. That allows & provides consistency of scheduling. We do have pricing options for "siblings" or close friends who want a 2 - on - 1 private lesson.
$60 - for one scheduled private 1 v 1 session at Norfolk Indoor Sports
$300 - parents / families can pre-pay 5 sessions
schedule the 1 v 1 sessions at any time between now & July 1, 2024
All training will occur at our indoor facility (Norfolk Indoor Sports)
Click Here - to purchase
When you purchase we will immediately communicate the exact days, times & location of the training. We will also communicate exactly WHO will be doing the training. The "preferred times" you select aren't set in stone, we will communicate & iron out the exact details upon purchase.
We have a wide variety of trainers (over 50) who work with Norfolk Indoor and the students who book through our company. Why would these trainers work through Norfolk Indoor? Simple. We provide customers, facility space, equipment, insurance, organization & communication. We allow them to simply do what they do best, coach fundamentals and confidence!
Why would YOU as the customer book through Norfolk Indoor? Our price point, our facility space, our professionalism & reputation in the area, plus we have access to SEVERAL trainers at each sport, which provides flexibility for your student & family. Our indoor sports facility provides an OPTIMAL & professional training space, no worry of weather, areas to film, bathrooms. Just a professional setting for your student to thrive.
If you are a current trainer or sport specific expert interested in training at / with Norfolk Indoor, contact us with your resume & how you will benefit our clients. Our goal is to help promote you and your training business as much as possible! We have a 9,000 e-mail student database, our own facility, equipment, insurance, and run over $2,000 in paid social media ads per month promoting our facility, classes & trainers. Come join our team, build your brand, and benefit our families.
Text: 757.726.7357
E-mail: norfolkindoorsports@gmail.com
Are you a serious trainer with a healthy client list, looking to have access to YOUR OWN facility at any time? We provide the ability for some of our top trainers to "have their own key" - with 24 hour access to our facility, turf, equipment ect. It is a tremendous value for trainers and coaches who have multiple training sessions throughout the week.
Trainers who make "NIST" home base never have to worry about rain, cold, heat - your parents have comfortable seating, there are bathrooms, water fountains, white boards - everything you need to provide an elite training session.
Click Here for specific info on costs, times, and the function of making Norfolk Indoor Turf home base for your training sessions.
Not to mention Norfolk Indoor Sports helps in promoting your training with our social media and 5k+ student e-mail list!
Text: 757.726.7357
E-mail: norfolkindoorsports@gmail.com
Click Here - to view all of our regular group training options and camps. These options are small group training classes and camps that offer more affordable options for families.
Q: What prior experience level do training clients need?
A: None! Our trainers are able / excited to start with beginners of a sport through students with Division 1 aspirations
Q: What equipment do you need?
A: Depending on sport, we will communicate what equipment to bring. Our trainers have some standard equipment to use, other items by sport are required of the student
Q: What other items to bring?
A: Athletic attire, water bottle, cleats & sneakers
Video & pictures: We love to take video & pictures of our clients. We use the video & pics not only for teaching, but to promote your child / our brand. If you do NOT want pictures or videos taken, just ask, no worries!
Our company provides a variety of sports training classes year round in Norfolk & Virginia Beach for students of all ages!
Group classes to private 1 v 1 lessons, we have training options for players of all skill levels!
Click Here – to view all of our Sports Training Options
Lots of space, lots of customizable options, SMALL PRICE!
Soccer party, flag football, dodgeball tournament, whiffle ball, and of course our most popular party: NERF WAR BATTLE party!
Our rental price is $100 per hour which includes everything! Includes tables, chairs, game play – ZERO additional fees. We even have bounce house options now!
Click Here – for full overview & all birthday options!
Remember, we are right in Ghent (Norfolk) and we have over 200 restaurants, breweries and bars within 2 miles of our facility that can cater!
Want to rent Norfolk Indoor Sports Facility?
Easy! Click – Pay – Play | Rent Here
E-Mail: norfolkindoorsports@gmail.com or text 757-390-6964
Check our calendar of availability – Click Here