Sports training passes by Sports757.com | Norfolk Indoor Sports Turf
Sports757.com leads the 757 in sports training classes, camps, birthday parties, special events & more! We provide sports training classes in soccer, football, volleyball, speed & agility, "pre-school" sports & more.
We understand each family may be looking for different classes, or specific days, want the best price or flexibility to choose - with that in mind we have a TON of options for parents to pick from :)
Once you purchase ANY of our passes, you can use them immediately - your child's name will be right on our check in list for ALL classes
You can purchase ANY of our passes at the door!
Click Here to Check Out & Purchase a Package
These packages below apply to our youth sports classes for ages: 6 - 13
Toddler & Pre School Pricing at the bottom of the page :)
Our punch card & monthly pass not only are our LOWEST prices, they allow for tons of class / day / time flexibility as well!
We DO have a "SUMMER 2024 SPECIAL" which is $150 for classes June - August 17. The "Summer Special" we advertise allows a student to attend ANY 12 classes, any sport, until August 17. The best price we have EVER offered, super flexibility for parents, PLUS students can try out multiple sports / types of classes!
PUNCH CARD: ($15 per class)
We offer a $150 punch card for ANY 10 classes, any sport, any day / time!
Classes are good until July 1, 2024. No advance notice to attend class.
Just pick & choose the classes you want and use your passes as you wish!
MONTHLY PASS: ($12 per class)
This is NEW, for parents looking for an EASY option, tons of flexibility, with a HUGE discount. $100 per month (4 weeks or 28 days) allows your student to attend ANY 2 classes per week (yes you can mix it up as much as you want). Soccer & Volleyball, Football & Pick Up Soccer, whatever you want!
YES! You can use on our Friday & Saturday Youth Pick Up Soccer days :)
YES! You can use on different kids, different age groups!
+ you get 2 passes per week, to use on any class, on any student, any age
The "pass" starts the first day you use it, parents have 28 days to use it from purchase date! Simple!
SIBLING DISCOUNTS: We understand we have parents with multiple kids who love our classes and it can get expensive! TO HELP, we now offer SIMPLE SIBLING DISCOUNTS
$100 - SINGLE CLASS (6 weeks)
2 students = $175, 3 students = $250
$150 - PUNCH CARD (10 classes)
2 students = $250, 3 students $330
$100 - Monthly Pass (4 weeks)
2 students = $175, 3 students = $250
SINGLE CLASS (paid at the door)
1 student = $20, 2 students = $30, 3 students = $40
If you want a custom package, we DEFINITELY can / will work with you.
Text: 757.726.7357
Click Here to Check Out & Purchase a Package
+ the only classes this does NOT apply to
the "Passing Academy" and "Big Man Academy"
Once you purchase ANY of our passes, you can use them immediately - your child's name will be right on our check in list for ALL classes
You can purchase ANY of our passes at the door!
Toddler = Ages: 1 - 2. Pre School = Ages: 3 - 6
MIX & MATCH PASS: ($10 per class)
Your child can attend ANY 10 toddler or pre school sports classes for 6 weeks. Helps with busy parent schedules. Example you can attend our ALL SPORTS class on Sunday, and Soccer on Wednesday. $100 for 10 classes over 6 weeks!
TODDLER / PRE SCHOOL - PUNCH CARD: ($12 per class)
We offer a $100 punch card for ANY 8 classes
Classes are good until July 1, 2024. No advance notice to attend class.
Just pick & choose the classes you want and use your passes as you wish!
MONTHLY PASS: ($12 per class)
This is new, for parents looking for an EASY option, tons of flexibility, with a HUGE discount. $100 per month (4 weeks or 28 days) allows your student to attend ANY 2 classes per week (yes you can mix it up as much as you want). Soccer & Volleyball, Football & Pick Up Soccer, whatever you want!
YES! You can use on our Friday & Saturday Youth Pick Up Soccer days :)
YES! You can use on different kids, different age groups!
+ you get 2 passes per week, to use on any class, on any student, any age
SIBLING DISCOUNT: We understand we have parents with multiple kids who love our classes and it can get expensive! TO HELP, we now offer SIMPLE SIBLING DISCOUNTS
2 students = $175, 3 students $225
1 student = $15, 2 students = $20, 3 students = $25
If you want a custom package, we DEFINITELY can / will work with you.
Text: 757.726.7357
Click Here to Check Out & Purchase a Package
Once you purchase ANY of our passes, you can use them immediately - your child's name will be right on our check in list for ALL classes
You can purchase ANY of our passes at the door!
Cost: $150
Sessions: $150 pays for ANY 10 class sessions
Classes: Sports757 - punch card allows ANY student to attend ANY class, any sport, on any date / time
+ Parents can bring ANY student to ANY class, ANY sport, ANY date
+ 1 student = 1 pass used
+ Parents can USE passes on ANY students, friends, siblings
+ Parents do NOT have to have to tell us what classes they are attending in advance. Just show up and use your passes!
+ Passes don't expire until July 1, 2024
+ Passes apply to classes at Norfolk Indoor Sports AND remote locations in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Hampton, Suffolk
+ the ONLY class exception / thing we ask is that students meet the AGE requirement for each class (clearly listed on each class)
+ Example: A family uses a "pass" on their 3 year old for our "Pre School Sports" class (ages: 3 - 6), and uses a "pass" for their 7 year old to attend our Soccer Skills Class (ages: 6 - 12)
+ Passes do NOT apply to "OL / DL Training or the Academy"
Click Here to Check Out & Purchase a Package
Once you purchase ANY of our passes, you can use them immediately - your child's name will be right on our check in list for ALL classes
You can purchase ANY of our passes at the door!
A majority of our classes are at Norfolk Indoor Sports Turf
Location: 202 W. 22 St. Norfolk VA 23517
+ classes at Norfolk Indoor Sports are INDOORS
+ classes at Norfolk Indoor Sports will NEVER cancel due to weather
+ parents can DROP OFF for class, OR stay (we have parent seating)
+ Norfolk Indoor Sports has 2 bathrooms, water fountains
+ Click Here - to view all of our available classes & camps
Our company provides a variety of sports training classes year round in Norfolk & Virginia Beach for students of all ages!
Group classes to private 1 v 1 lessons, we have training options for players of all skill levels!
Click Here - to view all of our Sports Training Options
Lots of space, lots of customizable options, SMALL PRICE!
Soccer party, flag football, dodgeball tournament, whiffle ball, and of course our most popular party: NERF WAR BATTLE party!
Our rental price is $100 per hour which includes everything! Includes tables, chairs, game play - ZERO additional fees.
Click Here - for full overview & all birthday options!
Remember, we are right in Ghent (Norfolk) and we have over 200 restaurants, breweries and bars within 2 miles of our facility that can cater!
Want to rent Norfolk Indoor Sports Facility?
Easy! Click - Pay - Play | Rent Here
E-Mail: norfolkindoorsports@gmail.com or text 757-390-6964
Check our calendar of availability - Click Here